
[Solr] Why setting maxBooleanClauses does not take effect?

If you have multiple cores, setting one of them to different value won't work. You need to set maxBooleanClauses to the same value across all the scores in solrconfig.xml.

It will automatically become the default value (1024) if they are not consistent.

The reason of all this shit is that, maxBooleanClauses is actually a global value for solr instance. It is not an independent value for each core.

Fuck solr! And big thanks to: http://qindongliang.iteye.com/blog/2261099


When the disk space left does not match space used...

When the disk space left does not match space used, it usually means some process is still using files that are already deleted.


lsof +L1
to find out which process is opening a deleted file.

Restart the process to release the disk space.


Solr: how to set hard commit, soft commit and openSearcher


A hard commit is to write the data to disk and rotate the transaction log. You can optionally open a new searcher after a hard commit. Open a new searcher after a hard commit is slow.

A soft commit will always open a new searcher, but the cost is much less than a hard commit. A soft commit will not rotate the transaction log. In case of a server crash, if the transaction log is large, a long recovery time is needed when restart the server.

In a near-realtime environment, set autoSoftCommit as long as you can tolerate. Hard commits with openSearcher set to false, as soft commit will open new searcher. The period for hard commit should be determined by the indexing load. The heavier the indexing of new docs, the shorter the period for autoCommit.


Javascript best practice and optimization




Eclipse 開唔到,stuck左喺loading


睇workspace入面個.log file會見到話timeout deadlock之類:

!MESSAGE While loading class "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.JREContainerInitializer", thread "Thread[main,6,main]" timed out waiting (5034ms) for thread "Thread[org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaReconciler,1,main]" to finish starting bundle "org.eclipse.jdt.launching_3.6.1.v20111006_r372 [366]". To avoid deadlock, thread "Thread[main,6,main]" is proceeding but "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.JREContainerInitializer" may not be fully initialized.

1. -clean 唔work
2. restart 部機唔work
3. -debug +.options file 無喱頭成功開到eclipse,但啲野爛晒。閂左佢重開,problem solved


如何分辨in-app browser

I developed an app for iOS and Android which accesses an HTML file from my webserver using the in-app browser (Webview).
I don't want that a user can access this file without using the app. Is there a possibility to detect, if the user is accessing the file with the app or directly via a browser on this smartphone / tablet / computer? I think that a solution with PHP is much better, because Javascript can be switched off. At least Google Analytics can differentiate between Safari and Safari (in-app). It should work with every version of iOS and Android.
Thanks for your help.

After many attempts I finally found a working solution for me!
iOS: You can detect the difference between Safari and the in-app browser using the user agent. Probably there's a nicer solution, but it works.
// Safari (in-app)
if ((strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mobile/') !== false) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Safari/') == false) {
    echo 'Safari (in-app)';
Android: The package name from the app is stored in the PHP variable $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'].
// Android (in-app)
if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == "com.company.app") {
    echo 'Android (in-app)';

 喺iOS,chrome同opera都會有Safari寫喺user agent度

Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16383776/detect-in-app-browser-webview-with-php-javascript


jclouds Guice creation error

用jclouds舊lib會有Error,如果java version 大過1.7.0_45,用java 1.8一樣會有

解決方法:一係downgrade java, 一係upgrade jcloud,但jclouds搬左去apache,同埋個interface 唔同晒…

com.google.inject.CreationException: Guice creation errors:

1) org.jclouds.rest.RestContext cannot be used as a key; It is not fully specified.

1 error
    at com.google.inject.internal.Errors.throwCreationExceptionIfErrorsExist(Errors.java:435)
    at com.google.inject.internal.InternalInjectorCreator.initializeStatically(InternalInjectorCreator.java:154)
    at com.google.inject.internal.InternalInjectorCreator.build(InternalInjectorCreator.java:106)
    at com.google.inject.Guice.createInjector(Guice.java:95)
    at org.jclouds.ContextBuilder.buildInjector(ContextBuilder.java:401)

ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21536498/error-creating-blobcontext-using-jclouds-in-a-spring-mvc-application


IIS FTP passive mode not obeying the defined port range issue

After setting the port range for passive mode, IIS keep telling the client to use random ports. The port range setting does not take effect.

Open "Services", "restart Microsoft FTP Service".

Other reason:
Some said that windows firewall will modify the passive mode port send by the ftp server. Solution is to use ports other than port 21 or close windows firewall.


chkconfig in Ubuntu 12.04

apt-get chkconfig

#Cannot find insserv in given path, create a soft link for it

ln -s /usr/lib/insserv/insserv /sbin/insserv

#The following error message will appear when running chkconfig, but it is fine.##The script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart #job, but lsb-header is not supported for Upstart jobs. #insserv: warning: script 'friendly-recovery' missing LSB tags and overrides #insserv: Default-Start undefined, assuming empty start runlevel(s) for script `friendly-recovery' 

Reference: http://www.linuxeden.com/html/sysadmin/20120622/126182.html



How is Primary Key added to the index for InnoDB:

1. Add ONLY the missing primary key column to the end of the index
pk (a, b)
key1 (c, a) => key1(c, a, b)
key2 (b, c) => key2(b, c, a)

2. Query does not know the key existence of index (c, a, b), (b, c, a), so the wrong index may be choosen.


Running Java

To include all the jar in a dir:
java -cp /path/to/dir/*



Warning: worker_connections exceed open file resource limit
-> add ulimit -n 10240 to /etc/init.d/nginx

Java Server Sticky Session
-> http://code.google.com/p/nginx-upstream-jvm-route/

File Upload Size Limit
Default is 1m


Command line image processing

JMagick vs IM4J and ImageMagick vs GraphicsMagick


InnoDB vs MyISAM

InnoDB vs MyISAM


Lucene Eurocon 2011

Twitter Real-time Search Experience

Lucene/Solr bug with JDK7

